Example: Anchor Rewards Boost

Passport enables Anchor to quickly create and iterate on logic for a rewards multiplier similar to the way Curve implements their veCRV boost multiplier.

The Anchor Rewards Boost can be deployed as a separate smart contract or built into the smart contract that the protocol is already using. We encourage teams to fork our scoring logic and create custom logic tailored to any given protocol.

Based on input from several protocols, this scoring logic serves as only an example of the composability teams have with Passport data primitives and will continue to improve as the broader DeFi landscape evolves.

Anchor Rewards Boost is composed of the following scores:

Wallet Age (10%)

We take the age of the wallet (in seconds), set an upper bound of 365 days (in seconds), and then divide by 365 days (in seconds).

Important note: if the wallet age is less than 31 days, the ENTIRE loyalty score will be 0.

Number of transactions (10%)

We take the number of transactions, set an upper bound of 3,000 transactions, and then divide by 3,000.

Voting Balance (20%)

We take the amount of tokens that the wallet has used to vote (so we summate across all tokens that the user has ever voted with), and then divide by 10^11.

Staked Token Percentage (30%)

This represents the percentage of tokens the wallet currently has staked.

Currently staked tokens = Sum of all tokens ever staked - Sum of all tokens ever unstaked

So if a wallet currently has 1,000 different tokens, of which 300 are staked, then then wallet would only get 30% of the max score for this component of the score.

Claimed Token Percentage (30%)

This represents the percentage of claimed tokens that the wallet has held onto. This is calculated by doing (claimed tokens - sold tokens) / claimed tokens

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